Organizational AspectOrganizational AspectOrganizational Aspect
(Sat - Thursday)
35/1 st, Kemalpaşa
Organizational AspectOrganizational AspectOrganizational Aspect

Individual Behavior

Individual Behavior

OB examines individual behavior, including attitudes, motivation, job satisfaction, personality traits, and perception. Understanding these factors can help managers and leaders improve employee satisfaction and performance.

Understanding what motivates employees is essential for fostering a productive work environment. OB explores different motivational theories and how they can be applied in practice.

Investigating the relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance.

This concept explores the ability to understand and manage one's emotions and the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is crucial for effective leadership, teamwork, and employee relationships.

OB investigates the causes and consequences of job-related stress and burnout. Identifying and managing stressors can improve employee well-being and reduce turnover.

Understanding employees' emotional attachment and dedication to the organization.

We help you to improve your abilities, to gain new abilities; to plan and implement, applicate; trying to help you to realize your projects and goals.

35/1 st, Kemalpaşa
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)